Promosi Penapis Air Cuckoo Berkualiti – Iris Top

Assalamualaikum dan Salam sejahtera…

Penapis air Cuckoo yang berkualiti untuk dijual secara ansuran atau tunai dengan harga berpatutan .


Harga tunai adalah RM 3999 sahaja. Sekiranya anda membeli penapis air Iris Top ini secara tunai, anda akan memperoleh periuk nasi Cuckoo percuma bernilai RM 1010 dan servis percuma selama 2 tahun bernilai  RM1100 (RM550 X 24 bulan) .

Sekiranya anda membeli penapis air Iris Top ini secara ansuran, anda hanya perlu membayar RM75 sahaja sebulan.

Promosi ini tanpa perlu deposit, tanpa slip gaji, dan tanpa penjamin. Anda mampu untuk memiliki penapis air yang berkualiti ini.

Terdapat juga pelan pembayaran lain seperti gambar di bawah :


Berasal dari Korea, Cuckoo adalah jenama antarabangsa yang telah memasuki pasaran negara-negara utama dunia.

Penapis air Cuckoo dapat menyingkirkan logam berat, kotoran, sisa pepejal, bakteria, virus, tanah, karat, bau klorin dan pelbagai lagi.

Terdapat juga mineral yang dibekalkan melalui sistem penapisan, dan terdapat sebanyak 4 jenis penapis di dalam sistem tapisan Cuckoo.


Penapis 1 — Sediment Filter – Untuk menapis pelbagai bahan yang kasar        seperti tanah, rambut dan sebagainya.

Penapis 2 — Pre Carbon Block Filter – Untuk menyerap bau yang tidak                                     menyenangkan seperti bau klorin dan sebagainya.

Penapis 3 — Natural Filter – Untuk menyerap bau yang tidak menyenangkan    dan membekalkan mineral dan alkali.

Penapis 4 — Nanopositive Filter – Untuk menapis kuman berbahaya seperti virus dan bakteria serta menyerap pelbagai logam berat yang  membahayakan.

Air yang ditapis melalui penapis air Cuckoo bersifat alkali ringan yang baik untuk kesihatan anda terutama untuk kesembuhan dan pencegahan penyakit serta menguatkan lagi sistem imun badan anda.

Air yang ditapis melalui Iris Top ini boleh diperoleh dalam suhu bilik, sejuk dan panas. Sangat berbaloi untuk dimiliki seisi keluarga mahupun yang belum berumahtangga. Tempahlah sekarang sementara promosi masih berjalan.

Cara-cara memohon untuk sewa-beli penapis air Cuckoo:

1) Muat turun dan print 3 borang seperti disertakan dengan lengkap dan selepas mengisi ketiga-tiga borang tersebut, ambil gambar borang-borang yang diisi dengan menggunakan handphone anda.

Perhatian : 3 nombor telefon dan satu email adalah perlu diisi dalam borang tersebut.

2) Muat turun dan print dokumen yang tertera ruangan untuk menempatkan IC dan Kad Debit/kredit anda seperti yang telah disertakan. Kemudian letakkan IC dan Kad Debit/kredit anda di tempat yang disediakan dan kemudian ambil gambar IC dan kad debit/kredit menggunakan handphone anda.

3) Kemudian emelkan 4 dokumen yang telah siap seperti di atas kepada .


Selepas admin menerima borang yang telah siap diisi dari anda, admin akan masukkan ke dalam sistem Cuckoo dan setelah itu anda akan menerima SMS dari pihak Cuckoo. Sila reply SMS kedua dari pihak Cuckoo dengan type ‘Cuckoo Agree’ diikuti dengan no. sales order. (No. sales order ini akan dihantar melalui email anda)

Segala pertanyaan anda boleh hubungi admin di talian :


Sekiranya anda menempah pelan 7 tahun pembayaran, anda akan mendapat servis percuma selama 7 tahun. Servis ini merangkumi penukaran penapis 1 dalam tempoh sekitar 4 bulan sekali, penukaran penapis 2 dalam tempoh kira-kira 8 bulan sekali, penukaran penapis 3 & 4 dalam tempoh sekitar 12 bulan sekali. Servis ini bernilai RM550 setahun, bermakna anda akan menerima servis bernilai RM3850 secara PERCUMA ( RM550 X 7 tahun). Selepas tempoh 7 tahun habis dibayar, penapis air tersebut akan menjadi milik anda dan anda boleh memilih untuk terus membeli pakej servis sebanyak RM550 setahun atau sebaliknya.

Pemasangan boleh dilakukan di seluruh Malaysia termasuk Sabah dan Sarawak. Bagi penduduk Pulau Pinang, anda boleh berjumpa admin terlebih dahulu sebelum membuat tempahan manakala bagi penduduk luar negeri Pulau Pinang anda boleh memohon secara online (melalui email) . Penduduk Pulau Pinang juga boleh memohon secara online.

Produk Cuckoo juga boleh ditempah bukan sahaja rakyat Malaysia, malah warganegara asing yang mempunyai passport dan kad debit/kredit juga.

Sekian terima kasih

How to Get Rich 2

Hi all.. last time I posted at my blog about how to get rich and you learned that to get rich you need to imagine first. Imagine you are in successful condition, have a lot of money, have company, big cars, etc. The end result imagination is very important as a start to get a successful life. Now I want to share next step how to get rich.

The next step is sharing. Many people says sharing is caring, but for me sharing is one the very important factor that will lead you to get rich. What I mean is you need to share your money and your knowledge to others. When you share your money sincerely, believe me that you will get more money in future. The more you share the more you will get. Read this article about the more you give, the more you will get .

Many rich people in the world share their money to others while they run their business. That’s why they get more and more. They share their money to charity, needy people, students, orphans, poor people and also many other type or level of people. Read the second point from this site, you will notice that many rich people always share their money to others, especially the needy one. Almost every people have money, whether less or many. Try to share a little bit first, then larger amount from time to time. Remember the more you share the more you will get. And remember when you want to share your money, you need to share “clean” money that you get from salary, or any other type of payment. What I mean is, if you have a job, you need to do your job very good or just good. Give value to your work and share the money that you get from the good job you have done, then you will see the result.

Rich or successful people focus to add their asset and wealth day by day, year by year. What is wealth? What is asset? You need to explore more the meaning of asset and wealth. After you explore them, you will learn and understand more about the important of having asset. Many rich people focus on expanding their asset. They always think how to add their asset. But ordinary people just think how to get money and how to add money. They do not think much about asset.

OK let us explore more about sharing. Sharing is not just about money, but also knowledge. Rich people always share knowledge to others. Try to make research, and after you make some research, you will notice that most of the rich and successful people in the world always share their knowledge. Knowledge also like money. When you share more, you will get more in future. You don’t need to do some experiment to justify what I’m saying is correct. You just need to observe rich people around you. What they do, what they share, what is their habit. Just copy good habit from them and implement it. Then you will get the result. Off course all of this need some time. Don’t expect today you observe, next week you implement, then next month you want the result. Be patient OK. Give some time to you to study, make research and observation. And then implement them. Rich people always try to add their wealth by making others rich.

There are many methodology to get rich. Internet marketing is just one of the way. Last time I posted about some tips to be success in internet marketing . There are a lot of ways to get rich via internet marketing such as joining affiliate programs, selling e-book, selling products via ebay, amazon etc. The important thing is you need to plan your action. Not only just sharing and waiting the money comes to you. Sharing is important but the action also very important to get rich. You must plan what is the action or the next step to get the money after you imagine and share your money.

Like I said before, to get rich you must think first. Think and imagine that you surely will be a rich person. Here I share a good article, 8 ways of thinking how to become rich. The thinking process and imagination need some time before you get clear picture. The important thing is you need to believe in yourself that you will be a rich person. Be confident in whatever your plan or action you will do.

You need to believe that you will be success and rich. Rich person always think differently. They always have right vision and right attitude to get wealth. Start with the right thinking . Remember the thinking process controlled by yourself. So it is depend on you whether you want to control your thinking or not. If you can control your mind with positive attitude you can be a rich person. Average person always think negative before they start to do something. Don’t be like that. Be positive. Always positive although you face a big problem. Although you have high or low income right now. Think that you will become a successful person although no one believe in what you do.

To get rich you also need to change your habit and attitude. Change bad habit that you always do to good habit. Add your knowledge here and there about business and investing and be more confident with yourself. Remember to always believe in yourself. Write the good habit that you want to practice and keep doing the good habit day by day. Always remember success begins with right thinking and right habit or attitude that will determine the future of your life…

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How to Get Rich

Everyone want to be successful. Many people nowadays try to get rich via online or offline business.

However there are a lot of obstacles for us to overcome before we become a successful person.

First of all, before you start any type of business, the most important thing you must do is to have clear mindset in your mind.

What I mean is, you must imagine clearly your plan and strategy how to run your business.

The more clear your imagination, probably the better result you will get.

End result imagination is very important to determine the success of your business.

If you imagine clearly that you will become a successful person, the imagination will lead you to be successful with your effort and confident.

You must have confident, not just effort.

You must always think positive in order to be success.

When you think negative things, problems will come to you and this will probably lead you to failure.

Always think positive although you have a lot of problems.

Positive thinking is not just a thinking, it is more than that.

You must set in your mind the end result of success.

Imagine you have already success, clearly, with emotion.

You must imagine until your imagination touch your emotion.

Until you can feel it.

Imagine clearly, again and again and again…remember!

For example, if you want to set up a business, imagine you have successfully set up a company, have a big car, great income.

Imagine clearly again and again.

This will lead to the next action.

This imagination will lead you to be successful.

Set your goal, what you want to achieve in your life.

Live your dream way up high, live your goal to the sky.

It’s not just a dream, it’s more likely a dream come true.

Meditation is one of the method to get clear imagination.

When you do a meditation, you must imagine good things will happen to you.

And of course you need to put some effort to achieve the success.

Not only imagination then just relax and waiting.

After you imagine you must plan the way to success step by step.

Plan your action with your own capacity.

And you must also confident with your action, planning and strategy.

Set your method clearly step by step.

And follow your method just nicely.

OK that’s all for now.

Wish all of you and also me best of luck!


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Instagram Marketing > How To Register an Account 3


6) Start:
a) This is your ‘Home’. When you follow other people, their picture will appear here.
b) Home: View all latest photos of people you ‘follow’.
c) Search: Search for people, place, items and ‘hashtags’, including other peoples’ interests.
d) Camera: Take picture to start sharing.
e) Notifications: View new people ‘following’ and ‘like’ your picture.
f) Profile: Your account, all your posts and access to ‘Settings’ menu.

7) Updating Profile:
a) Click profile button on the bottom right and select ‘Edit Your Profile’ button on top.
b) Update your profile.
c) Include your website URL if any, and quick info on your business, location also interesting/unique facts about your business.

to be continued…

Instagram Marketing > How To Register an Account 2

4) Selection of the right profile picture:
a) Use company’s logo or picture that is related to your business as your profile picture.
b) Click ‘+Photo’.
c) Select ‘Take Photo’ or ‘Choose from Library’ to get suitable picture.
d) Do not ever import from FB. This is to avoid a mix up with your personal FB account.

5) Basic Profile:
a) Use your company/brand name. If you yourself is the ‘image’ of your business, use your own name.
b) Put business phone number to interact with your customers to give exposure to as many people possible, using the help of Instagram.
c) Consequently, you maybe asked to follow other people as well.
d) Do not ‘follow’ immediately! It is best if you post few pictures before you follow other people. If you ‘follow’ right away, they will view an empty profile and most probably will not follow you back.
e) Click ‘Skip’.

to be continued…

Instagram Marketing > How To Register an Account 1

1) Download the Apps:
a) Instagram account can be created in iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod) or android (smartphones other than Apple).
b) Search for application in ‘Apps Store’ (iOS) or ‘Google Play’ (Android).
c) Download & open apps.

2) Register an account using email:
a) Do not register using FB because automatically it will create an account using your personal FB.
b) Bear in mind, your Instagram account is for your business. Use your business email address.

3) Use a recognized ‘username’:
a) Use a ‘username’ and password and also put a suitable profile picture.
b) Selection of ‘username’ and picture will help in brand creation and make it easier for people to search you and be your followers.

to be continued…

Instagram Marketing > Instavideo > Function & The Effects on Engagement 2


4) Invite followers to record Instavideo and use related hashtag:
Invite your audience to record and post Instavideo with a hashtag that you specify to enter into a contest, or promote your event, or your new product launching. This trick will expand your new followers and more interactions with existing followers.

5) More Interactions in FB:
Videos and pictures will get more comments, shares and ‘likes’ in FB. Instagram Video can be shared in FB and further on, attract more new audience from FB to be your followers in Instagram.

Instagram Marketing > Instavideo > Function & The Effects on Engagement 1

40% of Instavideo created for the purpose of Brand Promotion whether directly or indirectly. Below are reasons you should have at least one Instavideo of your own:

1) To record product demo and answer FAQs (Frequent Asked Questions):
List out FAQs from your customers and followers. Record a demo while answering those questions. For example, a tutorial video on how to install/wear/prepare your product step by step.

2) Build a Visual Portfolio on your work:
Pictures are more effective than words whilst videos are more effective than pictures. Merely because, in videos, users can use their visual and hearing senses to make a judgement. Record your best work so that it is easier for your followers to view it in 15 seconds. A short video will add more WOW to your work.

3) Highlight Special Promotions and Events:
15 seconds is a perfect duration to promote your special offer or any event that is related to your brand.

to be continued…

Instagram Marketing > Instavideo > Description

Instavideo Description:

1) Duration: Instavideo can record a video for a duration of up to 15 seconds.

2) Editing: You are able to cut a part of video segments without even recording a new video.

3) Screening: Just like screening a picture, you can put a filter in Instavideo to change video mood.

4) Integration: There is no need to download third party apps to record. Instavideo is a built in apps inside the Instagram itself.

5) Selection of Thumbnail Video: You can choose a static image from the video recorded to be your video cover photo. This selection is important to create a good first impression.